Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Needs vs Wants: a discussion

So my birthday is in the middle of summer. I always hated having summer birthdays, because I didn't get to take cupcakes to school, I didn't have all day to be surrounded by my best friends, and quite honestly-as a farm kid-my birthday is always an afterthought. Like maybe we'll celebrate it in September, when things slow down.

And all I've ever really wanted for my birthday is for people to notice and remember. I'm not a Birthday Diva. I hate figuring out what I want....I don't know what I want. I can't even decide what I want to eat when I'm at Sonic, how am I supposed to tell you what gifts to buy me!?

But today, TODAY, I have ideas for what I want!

Oh why hello, gorgeous-wouldn't you look lovely in my dining room. Yes, yes you would.

Lately, we have been getting lots of rain, much to the dismay of my farmer husband, who wants to be in the field planting beans. But, more importantly, to my dismay, I have no cute rainwear. I need me some cute stuff, and this rain jacket is lovely! I love the belt and the shape. I was looking for something bright and colorful, but something a little more classic might be better for the years to come. And maybe I could just get some super cute rainboots instead.

And finally, despite my husband telling me that we do not need a second computer, I really think that I do. It would just make everything so much easier. And by everything I definitely mean updating this blog. So, I think that it's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

But really other than that (ha, other than a chandelier, a coat, and a computer I say, what kind of other than that could there be!), all I want is to hang out with my friends, maybe watch a baseball game and spend some time with my hubby-who will no doubt actually be in the field or waiting at the elevator for everyone to be done in the fields for my birthday.

Yea me.


Nicole @ the style hatch said...

I have always loved my birthday being in the summer (in 2 weeks... yikes!) But you made some pretty good points...

What a hard choice you have to make.. I like all three of them! You should post some recent picks of your house!

p.s. I am so obsessed with the Flea Market Style magazine I won in your giveaway! Looked at it again last night!! :)


morgan said...

Baseball games are meant for sleeping silly!