Screw resolutions, I'm going to try to make actual goals. Goals are measurable statements with a time frame. My time frame will be all of 2010, some shorter. Cause Lord knows that just saying "I'm going to try to be healthier" isn't gonna really make me change anything. So here goes…
Goals for 2011:
- Lose 20 pounds by my sister's wedding-June 4, 2011
- Memorize 24 verses, as part of Beth Moore's challenge
- Create and keep track of a budget every month (notice I didn't necessarily say "stay within" – I want these goals to be reachable.)
- Finish the basement of our house, and get halfway through either the kitchen or the bathroom-or at least halfway saved up to what it'll cost
- Create and follow a weekly chore list (for me and Mark) because doing a little bit each day is way better than freaking out on the weekend or having a case of the CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)
- Run a half-marathon (crap I've never told anyone that-but right now, I'm all for putting it out there- you might understand why if you read my last post.)
- Buy a new car-and by new I mean newer than what I have now.
- Be a better wife – ok that one's kinda objective, and might not be measurable….but I'm guessing Mark would have a few things we could count (less fights and more….I'm not gonna say it, but I'm sure you can guess it.)
- Get pregnant, yes another "I'm putting it out there" moment. Prayers for this one from you guys…. And maybe Mark will get a "better wife" this way.
That's it. That's what I've got. We'll see where we stand this time next year!
God's Blessings for your New Year!