Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Goals

Screw resolutions, I'm going to try to make actual goals. Goals are measurable statements with a time frame. My time frame will be all of 2010, some shorter. Cause Lord knows that just saying "I'm going to try to be healthier" isn't gonna really make me change anything. So here goes…

Goals for 2011:

  1. Lose 20 pounds by my sister's wedding-June 4, 2011
  2. Memorize 24 verses, as part of Beth Moore's challenge
  3. Create and keep track of a budget every month (notice I didn't necessarily say "stay within" – I want these goals to be reachable.)
  4. Finish the basement of our house, and get halfway through either the kitchen or the bathroom-or at least halfway saved up to what it'll cost
  5. Create and follow a weekly chore list (for me and Mark) because doing a little bit each day is way better than freaking out on the weekend or having a case of the CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)
  6. Run a half-marathon (crap I've never told anyone that-but right now, I'm all for putting it out there- you might understand why if you read my last post.)
  7. Buy a new car-and by new I mean newer than what I have now.
  8. Be a better wife – ok that one's kinda objective, and might not be measurable….but I'm guessing Mark would have a few things we could count (less fights and more….I'm not gonna say it, but I'm sure you can guess it.)
  9. Get pregnant, yes another "I'm putting it out there" moment. Prayers for this one from you guys…. And maybe Mark will get a "better wife" this way.

That's it. That's what I've got. We'll see where we stand this time next year!

God's Blessings for your New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My secret dream

On Sunday, February 1, 2009 - I wrote in a note on Facebook my "25 Things." Do you remember when everyone did that? 25 random things about yourself. I tried to then further explain and tell 25 random stories on myself on this here blog, but I didn't quite have the follow through. But anyhow, #21 on the FB list states "I secretly would love to have a job on the radio. I love music and talking, so it seems like a natural fit." And so, almost 20 months later, I began my new career at the Radio Station. I have a Marketing/Promotions position, but I also do live remotes, on air "featured businesses", and basically live my dream. I'm not even close to famous, in fact, I still feel like most people have no idea who I am in this town. But sometimes, just admitting to myself, I feel a little bit cooler than I ever had before.

I always knew that I would enjoy working in a radio station. I had considered applying while in college…but different things prevented me from ever doing so, namely confidence in myself. But I had completely forgotten that I had ever put it out there in the world, put it out in a way where others could see it.

And as I laid there that night, in bed, re-reading what my early-2009 self had wrote, I was reminded how amazing it is to have your dreams come true, even those secret dreams that you forget about and don't even consider for yourself anymore. I had at times felt like I really missed out on my calling when I left the Athletic Department, and when the job there didn't pan out the second time. I felt like I was wasting away at my job in the bank, and that I was never going to be able to find my dream job, while still living a life where my husband could follow his dreams as well. It was a stuck feeling, and a feeling of being forgotten.

But more importantly, I was also reminded that I need to have more faith in my God. That He will put me where I need to be when I need it, that He gave me my talents and abilities, so who am I to think that He wouldn't provide a way for me to use them. So while I may have a job where I "get paid to talk" as Mark and I joke, I need to also remember to be quiet more and listen and know that what God has in store for me is better than anything I can imagine for myself.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Our Christmas Card Poem

For the most part, no one really wants to read those long, boring, detailed, long, bragging, long Christmas letters. When they're funny, or when they're cute, it's ok. Now Mark and I have no kids, so there's not much chance of us being cute. But I tend think I'm funny (don't ask Mark's opinion, I don't believe we share the same thought always.) And so what we did last year, and again this year, is highlight the important (and not so-) moments of our past year through verse. That's right, a little iambic pentameter makes everything more interesting-well actually I doubt our poem is true iambic pentameter, but it's one of the few terms i remember about poetry. (it's like a horse going down the road, ba Dum ba Dum ba Dum - use two coconut halves if you need to.) And so without any further ado (because really that's some horrible ado that I just did) here's our Christmas Card poem, circa 2010. And just for fun here's last year's Christmas letter.

Then Meenen's are "living the dream"
In Clay Center, Kansas
We don't know what the dream is yet
So just don't ask us

Been married three years now
For rich or for poor
Best three years of our life
So here's to three more!

Mark had a good year on the farm
Made 50 bushel beans
We're getting closer now
To making farming our main means

Miranda's got a new job
She talks on the radio
"Radio for grown-ups"
No, it's not a porno

She's the Promotions Manager
for the KCLY Radio Mall
You should tune into 100.9
It saves money for all

Mark got a new tractor
15 horsepower, I believe
It mows the lawn perfectly
Even though the mower's green

Miranda's on a bowling team
She once picked up a 3, 7, 10 split
Her girl's night out is real fun
Though most times, they play like...amateurs

With season tickets for K-State football
And even baseball tickets too
We've had fun cheering on the Cats
Especially when they beat KU

Mark and Miranda are table parents
At church on Wednesday nights
They help to practice memory verses
And love being a part of these kids' lives

Of course there've been many weddings
KC and Denton, TX for weekends away
A cool trip to Florida last January
And great memories with friends and family along the way

Many wonderful new friendships have been forged
A new job, and we bought the next door lot
Clay Center has become our home
We like it more than we ever thought

We hope you've enjoyed our stories
Professional poets we are not
We hope you got our humor
Sarcasm we use a lot

So, the Meenen's have had a great year
We're grateful for all the blessings we've had
We wish you all a Merry Christmas
And that your New Year is real rad!

Christmas Eve Eve

Mark and I opened our presents tonight. He's been asking to open them since last Thursday. Yes, I'm married to a 5 year old. I got a wonderful K-State blanket and a K-State business card holder. I'm excited to take that to work tomorrow. And I think he appreciated his new shirt and tie and a book about a nearby high school football team that had numerous undefeated seasons. Plus he got to open his birthday present early. He knew there was another present for him, and I was excited to give it to him, so I couldn't hold back. That has to be obnoxious for people with birthdays around the holidays. No separation of gift giving, you have to go almost a full year without presents, it'd be a hard life. I always thought I got the raw end of the deal because I had a summer birthday….and no one cares about summer birthdays. You don't get to take treats, no one sends you flowers at school, you don't get to be treated special all day. And with a birthday in the middle of wheat harvest like I have, you're lucky if you get anything more than a cupcake out in the field. I'm sure I've bitched about this before, and I mean really, there are worse things to complain about.

But it's Christmas Eve Eve, and it's been a really slow boring week, and I guess that's all you get here this evening. Boring Christmas present report, and a birthday bitching. Merry Christmas! To you from me.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My own kind of parenthood

I'm working at a local radio station now, and have been there for 3 months. Love it!-- but that's not what this post is about. At work, everyone is able to record a Christmas greeting that they will play between songs and such. Lots of people bring in their cute little kids to say Merry Christmas, or they list off all their kids and nicknames or whatever. I on the other hand have only my husband, myself, and my baby Cody. And I can't get him to "speak" on command, so I don't think that would work.

Cody is my yellow lab, and he is Spoiled. When people ask if Mark and I have kids I always tell them, "No, but I have my Codydog." And you guys, he is my frickin kid. He's my baby (my baaa-bbyyyy.) I joke that he's our requisite dog before child, the test run, or whatever that everyone does. And I know that kids are different and blady-blah-blah. But I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what it's going to be like when I do have a kid. I already know what it's like to not be able to sit down on the couch by myself, or that if it's quiet and he's not in front of me, I need to be worried. I cannot go to the bathroom alone, and I've even been woken up in the middle of the night because my kid was about to get sick. And yes Mom, I completely understand what you meant when you said that kids only get sick in the middle of the night-never in the middle of the afternoon or early evening or sometime easy like that.

The other night I woke up to a nose right in my face. I could tell he needed to go outside (which is probably a slightly different need than if my kid wasn't four-legged.) As we started to make our way down the hall, he paused and made that wretched dry heave sound. I started to yell, "Go Cody, go outside!" He made it to the stairs before he stopped again, "Whehh, whhhelllhhhh." (Those are my impressions of a dog dry heaving.) "Go Cody, don't stop, go go go. Outside!!" I was still behind him in the hallway, and I just really did not want to face cleaning up dog vomit all down my stairs. "Please outside Cody," I begged. Finally as I slid the back door open and he made one last shrug forward with his shoulders, he was able to let it all fly out on the back porch. Bright yellow dog vomit all over that pretty white snow we had had earlier that day. So yes, Merry Christmas to you, from Mark, Miranda, and Cody….

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The shopping is all done, the wrapping almost complete. In fact, I was pretty much done last Thursday the 16th, which is probably the earliest I have EVER been done. Nothing left to get.

And it's killing me.

For me, the gift giving is half the fun. I love shopping, and considering all the people on my list, and trying to find something that they would enjoy and be excited by – and maybe even surprised by. I enjoy shopping, who doesn't, especially when I'm not shopping for jeans for myself. And so yesterday and today, there are shops I could go to, aisles I could browse, and yet no gifts to purchase and definitely no money left in the Christmas Club account.

I love the anticipation of Christmas, the searching, the wrapping, and the surprise of it all. I try to put lots of thought behind each gift. And so now, I'm just waiting. Waiting to see all the family, waiting for all my siblings to open their presents, and waiting to play with the cousins!

Maybe I could get started on next year's gifts. But then I'd be sad for months while I had to wait with no more shopping to be done. THAT would be heartbreaking.


PS-Did you see how I just skipped over that whole 3 month blogging hiatus? Yep, we'll just pretend like it never even happened.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Two things made Friday a great day.

1. I gave blood, my 8th time=1 gallon donated, but most importantly I got a church lady ham salad sandwich for lunch AND a free hat.

2. I got to cuddle with my good friend Dana in queen bed at a surprisingly cute and homey Starlite Motel.

That's right, all I need is a good cuddle at a humble establishment and a ham salad sandwich. Yumm.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Highway 36 Treasure Hunt

It's that time of year again! This weekend is the Highway 36 Treasure Hunt. My good friend Dana and I will be headed down the road in search of some needed "junk." Last year we did pretty well. And I'm excited, we're making a girl's weekend out of it. I've got my Ipod ready for the road trip, we're staying a quality place called Starlight, and.......we're sharing a bed!

And no, I haven't told her yet. It'll be a nice surprise.

So if you're not doing anything this weekend, head to Northern Kansas, this Treasure Hunt stretches from Colorado to Missouri, all along scenic Highway 36. It's filled with great vendors, yummy food, and a couple of giggling girls probably seen wandering around debating if we really need another glass bottle.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's an Unknown thing

Growing up, I had it pretty easy in school, tests were no big thing, and I typically did well at whatever I wanted. Ok, well maybe besides basketball. But the ACTs, the homework, the pre-calc, it was all easily doable. And the things that I didn't do well at.....well, I just didn't do them. Believe me, just ask Mark about our experiences as I tried to learn to drive stick shift. So I just do what I know I can do, and those things that are more questionable-well it's hard for me to step out of my comfort zone. I'm scared of that unknown.

But I am slowly taking some steps that take me out of that comfortable place. Recently I have been feeling frustrated with work. I work as a teller at a bank. And honestly, if I saw someone from my high school or where ever, and they would ask me what I was doing....I was embarrassed to tell them. I began to feel like I wasn't going anywhere, I wasn't using the brains and the talents that I was blessed with, and that I was going to end up very unhappy if I didn't do anything about it.

And so I did.

And I am happy to say that I will be starting a new job this coming Monday. It's going to be challenging, difficult, rewarding, and so scary. But I'm ready for it. I'm ready for this test, but I am NOT ready to talk about it! I'll tell you more about what I'm thinking after I'm there for a couple weeks or so. You can tell how nervous I am by the fact that I can't talk about it. Mark even knows to not really bring it up with me yet. He asked me tonight if I had an idea as to when I'd be able to talk about the new job......all I could say was, "Later."

So this unknown is close. And I'm only slightly freaking. But hopefully once I jump in, it will again be a natural thing for me.

And I'll be able to talk about it eventually.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Storm

It's raining and lightning and thundering outside.....and we're ALL inside.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

THE Cody Dog

We all know that I am completely enamored with my sweet baby Cody. Cody was the best birthday present ever. For once, not only did my husband have a good idea, but he actually followed through with it, and kept it a secret-which is a big deal for him. (When he bought my engagement ring, he told me one late night out at the bar "Don't look in my closet when you come over to my house. I have a surprise." Really, he said that. He also once gave me a Valentine's Day present about a month and a half early.)

But Cody somewhat rules my life. He is an 80 pound attention whore, puppy-eyed, 2 year old. He will huff and sigh and whine his way inside the house, and just when I think I've got some good cuddle time coming, he'll either take advantage of my hospitality and maul me with his nasty dog breath and too big paws or leave me to lay next to his daddy.

But I still love him, and I still let him manipulate me. And someday we will have another baby, and Cody will lose some of his importance. But he will always, always be my first very big baby.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Back Doctor

I went to the chiropractor for the first time today. I have had some back/hip pain for the past week or so, but it has definitely been worse the last couple of days. I've kinda been an old lady, unable to fully stand up or then to bend back over. I hobbled around and after being prodded by my husband and co-workers, I went ahead and made the appointment.

But today as time got closer to my appointment, my back got stiffer, and I became more decrepit, I worried too. I worried that I would hurt more after, that she would tell me to never wear heels again, but the thing I was most worried about....that she would say nothing was wrong with me and that I was crazy.

But she didn't. She told me in fact, that it was most definitely time for a little tune up with her and that I was definitely messed up. Like we're talking one leg longer than another kind of messed up. Like she kept saying, "Ya, uh yaaa....wowww" as my back and neck went craaa-AAACKK!

And so now, I'm laying on a bag of frozen peas, looking forward to next week's meeting. Where I will hopefully get equal length legs back....and approval to wear my favorite heels.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

As long as you don't say Justin Bieber

Important things are coming.

Game Day is in 8 days. Game day, baby! I'm getting so excited. I'm planning out recipes and meals in my head, trying to decide what needs to be packed and most importantly, I need to decide on some game day music.

As a K-Stater, I have the obvious choices. The fight song, Wabash, Stand up for the Champions. But I need some more good stuff. I need some just fun tailgating music, some pump me up stuff, and mainly just some good music to take my mind off the fact that no matter what, every year, almost every game, we're 1 1/2 hrs later getting to the stadium, I forgot the tickets again, and there's some random kids eating all my hot dogs.

But anywho, what are the songs you love? The songs you put on your iPod for your morning run to get you going, the song you hear on a commercial at the beginning of football season that just gets your juices running? Let me know.

Monday, August 23, 2010

you should be jealous

Tonight for supper, we had Mac & Cheese with bacon mixed in, chocolate chip cookies, and I followed that all up with a beer.

Ya, I'm living the dream.

Just living the dream....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Giveaway times two.....

Another great giveaway -actually a week full of great giveaways. So hop over to check it out. Just don't leave a comment for today ok? I really want that tote. Just wait til tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Check out this great blog for some wonderful inspiration, cute kids, gorgeous decor, PLUS a Giveaway!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Buffalo Chicken Mac & Cheese

I may or may not have made a supper tonight that consisted of only carbs and gravy, but every so often I can actually make something good. A couple weeks back, I threw a bunch of stuff together and actually came out with something really yummy.

1. Throw a chicken breast in a skillet and let it cook. I cut it into smaller pieces so that it would cook evenly. Let cool, and then shred. I use two forks and just pull the meat apart.

2. Pour a buffalo chicken sauce over your chicken. I used the Budweiser Mild sauce.

3. Boil some water, and cook your pasta in it, I used macaroni noodles. Cook to al dente, drain, the usual.

4. Mix together the buffalo chicken and the noodles. Mix in a good ol dollop of cream cheese. I happened to have whipped cream cheese on hand.

5. Pour into an oven safe dish and then sprinkle some cheddar cheese on top. Put in a 350 oven for about 10 minutes. Maybe? I don't really know, but that seems about right.

6. Take out of the oven and enjoy the cheesy, tangy, deliciousness. And the leftovers are just as good!

That's it- simple, yummy mac and cheese with a twist. I loved it, Mark was even impressed. Definitely a make again.

And because it's been too long, I wanted to share some pictures of my baby!

This is his toy, he is almost obsessive with it.

Me thinks mommy needs to buy a bigger pool.

I think Cody is just slightly spoiled.

This is my life, this is what I get to look at (and laugh at) every night.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Weekend Away

Last weekend Mark and I spent the weekend in Kansas City. Every so often we decide to act like we're a young, married couple-that even loves each other. The first night we headed down to the Power and Light District for a little bit of fun. We got there in time for a bit of a free concert by a Beatles tribute band, and a little Yellow Submarine to belt out.

And then, after that fun singalong, we wanted some more, so we headed into the dueling piano bar, Howl At the Moon. Let's just say, a good time was had by all.

And yes, my husband loves himself a straw to chew on. It could have been a cute picture, oh well-we tried!

We played a lot of slots, and by played I mean lost a lot of money at, but we had some fun. But we did very well at the little grill/eatery that was on the way out of the casino, back to our room. French fries, sandwiches, burgers, soda, hot dogs, we hit the jackpot.

Then Saturday morning we had some great plans to hit the Farmer's Market, but that King sized bed was just too tempting. So by the time we got up, got showered and ready, we made it just in time for a little tiny bit of shopping at an antique store and a couple crappy kitschy places, we headed over to Kauffman Stadium.

My honey splurged on the tickets as part of my birthday present. We were just about 20 rows up a little to the right of home. Perfect seats on an unbelievably sweaty day.

And then there's the fact that I caught a foul ball. Yep, caught it, with my own bare hands, it wasn't rolling on the ground, nothing like that. It just bounced off the top deck and the kid sitting behind me in pink shorts with embroidered martini glasses on it tried to catch it, but he didn't. (So yes, he slowed it down. But still he didn't catch it, and that's kinda what he deserves for wearing such a ridiculous outfit.) I bobbled it a couple times, but pulled it in-like the champ that I am.

So thanks honey for a great birthday present, a good time *wink wink*, and a chance at such an awesome souvenir like a foul ball!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Harvest 2010 and my modeling debut

I'm a lucky gal, my best friend happens to be a photographer. And with that, comes lots of opportunity to get some great memories in print. Now if only I was an actual model, the world would be perfect.

But anywho-the other evening we went up to the farm to take some pictures of the wheat harvest. And below is exactly why I love living in Kansas.

I can't decide if I like it better in color or the sepia tones.

Love LOVE love this one.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's the day of my birth

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday, a day to ignore the crappy stuff at work that I don't want to do (I'll do it tomorrow), eat whatever junk I want (calories don't count on your birthday), and judge my popularity by the number of posts on my Facebook wall (don't judge me -you do it too.)

It's my day of birth.....on Earth........Happy Bir-ir-ir-ir-thday

*image from

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Sale of the Mary Kay Year

Last Sale of the (Mary Kay) year!

Our Mary Kay year ends June 30, and so to celebrate the last week I'm having a sale!

It's easy....Buy $150 worth of product, it will only cost you $100
$100 in product, costs $75
$75 in products, costs $60

AND, for every $50 you spend, receive $10 MK cash to spend after June 30.

So save money now and earn cash for the future. It's so easy, and you have between now and June 30 to make your order!

Call me, text me, leave a comment or order online. So many convenient, easy ways to order!

~Miranda Meenen

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thrift Store Finds

This weekend I spent some quality time at an auction and a thrift store. And I came home with some great stuff. At first I stopped at an auction, picked up my number, and paid a whole quarter for this thing...

Well, I did have to include tax, so it actually cost me $0.27. I know, it's ugly right? No one wanted it, no one was going to give it a home, so they threw in one more thing with this...well, we'll call it a treasure (please someone tell me that I got a steal and this thing has some sort of following-please!)

And this is what they threw in for free. I got it for free! There's some grapes and leaves and such on the side. But I've wanted to get into the white glass and why not start with a free one!? I love the shape of it, and I think I will get some great use out of it.

Next, my friend Alicia and I headed to a "junk" store in Morganville and I'm so glad we did. You had better believe I will be heading back there soon. This next picture is a shelf, and yes I realize it's upside down. But I think I like it this way, over the window in my Mary Kay room, maybe with some sheer curtains hanging down from it.

Here it is as a shelf, as it was intended.

And finally, my true happiness and joy, my love, my treasure, my exciting find. This is for my dining room, and so no dear family, I no longer need the one I showed previously. For this gorgeous thing has already made it's way to me, and I have it outside-preparing for what will hopefully be it's last coat of paint.

I can't even tell you how in love with this thing I am!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thrifting, Baseball, and a Vaca-what else do you need on a Saturday?

How is it that I have reached June and this will be my 26th post for the year? I swear I have more to say than that, as can be attested by those that know me well. But my crazy thoughts jump so quickly from one place to another, that I barely have time to catch up with myself. So for today I shall make a list. Because really, who has time for transitions.

1. I had a pretty successful Saturday, with some great thrift store finds and auction steals. I promise that I will post pictures soon.

2. My brother played ball last night, the first time that I've got to watch him this year. He's 10, so the boys are pitching themselves, but with help from the coach after 4 balls. It was so much fun and so sweet and so boy-like too. I kept wanting to cheer for all those tiny little guys whenever they stepped up to the plate or threw a wild pitch or missed a pop fly, but I also saw the obnoxious habits of boys forming in them too. The cocky kid that crossed home plate holding up his finger in the air, showing that he was number one. Puh-lease. The constant checking of that new "cup" in their baseball pants. The nose picking, and I even think I saw some air humping. I mean really, they're 10, why are they already like that?!

3. Speaking of baseball, my newfound love for the game is growing (hey-wait a minute, that could have been a transition, from one thought to the next, that even makes sense! how bout that.) My season tickets for K-State were fun, and I know we'll do it again next year, and hopefully make it to more games with friends and family. And next week, I'm going to a Junction City Generals game with some former co-workers. I even think the farmer husband will be in between planting and harvest, so he might go with. Plus, we're trying to schedule a Royals game for July, after harvest is done. It'll be nice to get away for a weekend, and I think my husband wants to make up for what will surely be a non-noticed birthday and he's still gotta make up for breaking my new bookshelf for my Mary Kay room. But don't say anything about that, he's kind of touchy about it.

4. Why do I have a newfound love for baseball? Well that I believe would be a great story for another day. Man if I follow through with a post about baseball AND a post with pictures from my Junk Excursion, I just won't know what to do with myself. That'd make it 28 posts for the year. Heck ya!

5. We've been discussing going on a vacation with our good friend Brandon and his wife. He was the best man in our wedding, and he just recently got married as well (I was a cake cutter, the
most stressful job in a wedding.) We at first talked about going on a cruise and I wasn't too sure about it. But I started doing some research and asking others, and I got really excited about it. But then our good friend Brandon says maybe we should just go to Mexico and sit on the beach instead of riding a boat to that beach. Which is ok too, but I was all excited about the cruise! But I think our deal breaker is that we can't get an all-inclusive cruise, that includes the alcohol. I mean, $6 beers add up pretty quickly, and isn't that a sad sign when our main concern is how much our drinks are going to cost! But a lady was telling me last night (she ran the scoreboard at the boy's baseball game, so she's surely a trusted source) that you can sneak on some stuff or you can even buy alcohol from the duty free stores on the boat for decently cheap. So I don't know, we're looking for some more insight, so if you're still reading this far down-let me know what you think!

Surely 5 really boring, wordy, pointless points is enough for my list today. I'm gonna go sack out on the couch and think about putting away my laundry and getting started on my thrifting treasures!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Needs vs Wants: a discussion

So my birthday is in the middle of summer. I always hated having summer birthdays, because I didn't get to take cupcakes to school, I didn't have all day to be surrounded by my best friends, and quite honestly-as a farm kid-my birthday is always an afterthought. Like maybe we'll celebrate it in September, when things slow down.

And all I've ever really wanted for my birthday is for people to notice and remember. I'm not a Birthday Diva. I hate figuring out what I want....I don't know what I want. I can't even decide what I want to eat when I'm at Sonic, how am I supposed to tell you what gifts to buy me!?

But today, TODAY, I have ideas for what I want!

Oh why hello, gorgeous-wouldn't you look lovely in my dining room. Yes, yes you would.

Lately, we have been getting lots of rain, much to the dismay of my farmer husband, who wants to be in the field planting beans. But, more importantly, to my dismay, I have no cute rainwear. I need me some cute stuff, and this rain jacket is lovely! I love the belt and the shape. I was looking for something bright and colorful, but something a little more classic might be better for the years to come. And maybe I could just get some super cute rainboots instead.

And finally, despite my husband telling me that we do not need a second computer, I really think that I do. It would just make everything so much easier. And by everything I definitely mean updating this blog. So, I think that it's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

But really other than that (ha, other than a chandelier, a coat, and a computer I say, what kind of other than that could there be!), all I want is to hang out with my friends, maybe watch a baseball game and spend some time with my hubby-who will no doubt actually be in the field or waiting at the elevator for everyone to be done in the fields for my birthday.

Yea me.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

We're an old, married couple

In the past three weeks, my husband and I have cut down a tree in our front yard, ripped out nasty old carpet in our entire upstairs, picked out (together) and had installed new carpet, transplanted plants, seeded new grass, had a garage sale, and a backyard barbecue to invite over friends and neighbors.

Now I'm not telling you all of this to impress you with our work ethic, because quite honestly we're a couple of really lazy people, but instead I'm just reflecting on what our life has turned into.

I spend my time thinking about what area in my home to work on next (seriously though, what area should I do next-cause they all need it, and they all seem like a huge undertaking-HELP), I worry about Mark and I finding the time and money to start a family, I want to host parties (and get better at that too-you know I want them to actually be fun...) Mark and I have been married longer than the period of time we were just boyfriend and girlfriend (and so no, that doesn't include the amount of time we were engaged, it's just a comparison people.)

Life has been crazy at times, we've dealt with some sucky things. Job issues, family issues, marriage issues, wanting different things at different time issues and feeling like you don't understand me issues. We've grown apart from some friends, we've rekindled old friendships, and whodathunkit, but I've even made female friends (I know, crazy right?) We've made goals, we've reached goals, and we've been lost without knowing what goals to make next.

But we've done it together, and we've made it so far. Mark might be tired of my lazy ass never putting away the clean clothes, and I am only slightly tired of all the farming talk that goes way over my head. We got married young, and were kinda crazy and naive. But right now, we're in a place that makes us happy. Even more happy without that ugly tree in my front yard (and yes, I got a "You were right" from my mother-in-law, and you had better believe I will use that for all it's worth and then some.) And our weekends may be full of yard work and garage sales and parties that are over before 11, but it's been worth it. So thanks Mark for doing it all with me. And thanks for understanding my need for Mt. Dew or other sudden impulses (like yes I might want chili cheese fries from Sonic-even if we did just eat supper), and for only slightly being annoyed by it.

And yes honey, now I'll stop procrastinating and go spend the "it only takes 5 minutes" time to hang up my clothes.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mary Kay Sale!

It's my 2nd Annual Mary Kay Moving Sale!

No, we're not moving again, but about this time last year was when I had my moving sale to get ready for Mark and I to move to our new home. Well now, we're getting carpet in our (same) new home and so I have to move all my stuff out of my office and then back in. So why not have a Moving Sale!

$3 off All Eyeshadows
$5 off All Other Products

That's it, it's that simple. That's per item. Every single thing you order.

So stock up on your foundations and moisturizers

get your mom something that smells pretty for Mother's Day

and buy your cousin a fun Graduation gift.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What I have been doing since giving up TV for Lent:

-going to bed at about 9:13

-playing lots of logic puzzles (ya know-jim bob and sue all ate supper, they had a hot dog, pretzel, and pizza, and it cost each one $5, $6, or $7 in some order-who ate what and how much did it cost-kinda thing)

-kinda cleaning more, it goes in waves

-not updating my blog

-reading LOTS of other blogs

-wasting more time on the computer

-eating supper at the table

-reading 40 Days of Purpose

-trying to ignore my husband as he loudly chuckles-no, no-loudly guffaws at the CBS Monday Night lineup-oh Big Bang and HIMYM, how I miss you

-trying to prepare myself for Good Friday and Easter, and devoting more time to my relationship with God

-reading a daily devotional

-surprisingly not missing TV that much, except CBS Monday Night, and maybe some Chelsea Lately too

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mary Kay and Social Responsibility

I have had many concerned emails about information surrounding Mary Kay and their supposed sponsorship of HSUS. Now, I too was at first alarmed, but when I went to the Mary Kay website, I found the truth was that once again HSUS has listed information as fact when it is actually a fabrication.

I can't answer for the donation by an individual, but I do know the company that I work for, and I believe in their dedication towards supporting just causes to eliminate cancer and to end the epidemic of violence against women. If you're interested in finding out more about what Mary Kay Inc does support as a company I encourage you to go here.

Below I have included the information provided by Mary Kay Corporation.

Published 03.09.10

Event Sponsorship Clarification

Some Independent Beauty Consultants and fans of Mary Kay® products have expressed concerns over a recent sponsorship of a Dallas-area event. Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We have heard you and want to clarify any confusion.

First and foremost, Mary Kay is not a sponsor of this event. Mary Kay’s owner’s wife was approached to make a personal contribution toward a local event here in Dallas sponsored by the Dallas chapter of the Humane Society. This event specifically supports efforts to stop puppy mills and the organization’s “Stop Puppy Mills Campaign.” Out of caring and compassion, our owner’s wife agreed to make a personal contribution. Mary Kay has contacted the Humane Society to clarify that we are not sponsors of this event, and the Company logo is being removed from the Humane Society Web site.

As a Company, we sincerely apologize for any confusion or causing any offense to members of the Mary Kay community.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yes, you can be jealous

So tomorrow.....

My mom and I have some big plans......

Her Christmas present is finally here......

She and I will be heading down South....

To the big city of Wichita.....

for a once in a lifetime show......

It'll be almost like we're 'livin on a prayer'

So come on mom, 'take my hand, we'll make it I swear'

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Winner Announced!

A week ago I announced my first ever giveaway. Now it was kinda slow going, but ever the better for those that participated, right!? I counted each comment, each blogpost about my giveaway and each follower. There were 11, so I decided use the random integer number thingy for 1-11, and it gave me the number 4!

Now if I was smart enough, I would post a little picture of the outcome-but let's just say I've never been an overachiever.

So comments 1-3, then the 1st blogpost equals 4 (I promise I decided the order and which each number would represent before I did the whole random thing) and so Beautifully Inspired wins! Funny since she got four whole entries.

So Nicole, email me your home address and I will get your very own copy of Flea Market Style in the mail. I'm so excited for you to see it, I love your home and your style and I think you will find some great inspiration in the magazine!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I love blogging. It exposes me to so much. There are so many things that in my quiet, quaint little world I would never see. I am inspired by other's stories, passions, homes, and music. I am that dork that constantly says to my husband, "The other day on this blog I was reading...."

But in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas how else would I connect with a mother of four in Southern California, and watch as she puts out some of the most honest thoughts of motherhood and dealing with life and money and baking cakes?

How would I see how literally hundreds of people decorate their homes with the kind of style that I can only copy?

How would I meet a woman who has adopted through foster care three different, beautiful children and be inspired by her patience and dedication?

And how would I have found this?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

True Fan

Yesterday a lady came into work, and after seeing all of the KSU purple around, and a little bit of that KU stuff, she remarked that her initials were actually K S U. And so now I'm mad that I didn't marry a man with the last inital of U so that all of my babies could have their initials be KSU!!!

Sorry honey, but you know it's the truth. I guess we'll just have to just give our kids two middle names. I'll have to start thinking on the U part.

Kathy Sue Uma?
Kevin Scott Ulysses?

We'll work on it, we've got time.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Follow through?

On Sunday I had some time to fill, what with no company, no TV, and my nap already done. So I decided to finally finish priming my basement from after we tore down the walls. I ran out of primer before I could quite get done with the last wall-but it already looks so much better. Don't you agree?

Oh wait, you don't see a picture? That's because for approximately 2 months now, I have been completely unable to find the charger for my camera. Yep-gone! No idea. No pictures. No fun.

But last night as I was pulling out my overnight bag from the top of my closet, no reason really, I'm not staying overnight anywhere, but there it was! So maybe, and I stress the maybe I will get some pictures up of my recent thrifting finds and the progress in the basement and the bathroom.

Of course, I won't promise that I will actually follow through on that. I seem to have a problem. Like I said, I was so close to finishing up the priming in my basement. So last night, I buy another bucket of primer, bring it home, and what do I do? Instead of spending 20 min. finishing it up I figure why not start tearing down the border in the bathroom. Seems like a good idea. So now I not only need to finish priming but I also need to finish the border removal!

*Also, don't forget my Giveaway! One lucky person will be getting a copy of the best new magazine-Flea Market Style. Sign up below!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I am a party pooper

A quick note for those friends of mine, apparently it is not a good idea to invite me to your birthday bash. This weekend, after our weekend guests had to bail on us (which was bad and good-bad because I was excited to hang out with these friends-but good because I didn't have to worry about making excuses for the state of the cabinet in our bathroom nor the twin bed in our guest room,) we went out to supper with another couple, Derek and Dana, to celebrate Dana's birthday. We went to their house and then headed into town for some delicious barbecue and back to their house for some Wii fun.

Sounds all wonderful, right? Well, let me explain a little further. Derek and Dana have a cat, and for those that don't know... or those that I have lied to, I'm allergic. It's not horrible, no hospital trips are needed, but I did load up on the Benadryl (non-drowsy or so I thought) before we went. Well then at supper, I did a big no-no and ordered a margarita (or two) and it wasn't long after eating a large meal, sitting in the warm room, before I knew it was time to go. We got in the car and headed to Wal-Mart, because what trip to the big town is done without one? And as everyone else headed inside, I claimed a huge interest in the last 12 seconds of the K-State game-where I then layed back my chair and promptly fell asleep. It wasn't long before pounding on the door scared the hell woke me up. They were all back to the car, and thankfully ignored the probable drool I had left on my shirt. But we were soon on our way, back to their house, and then because I am that comfortable being a huge dork in front of my friends- I took another nap on the 20 min drive back to their house. Yes, shameful I am. But I did wake up, and proceeded to win both Baseball and MarioKart-because with being so well rested, I apparently didn't have any excuses. Yea for a good birthday for my friend. Dana-you deserve better.

But you see, there's more to this story. The worst thing about it all.........I did the same exact thing at her birthday party last year. Fell asleep on their little love seat out in the shop. Because I am that much of a loser, and apparently the world's worst friend. So sorry Dana-I promise it's not you, it's me. Well other than the fact that you still choose to hang out with me, that's all you, and I don't quite know if I get it.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! *Giveaway at bottom

I got it! I finally got it! I finally found and got my hands on my very own copy of Flea Market Style Magazine. I am so excited. Flea Market Style is a blog that I have been following for quite a while and they have been working on putting out a great magazine, and it was finally released and sent to stores about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been searching the racks at the stores in town, Wal-Mart, and any other store selling magazines-trying to find one. Well for once in my life, Pamida in Clay Center came through for me. They may not have Wii remotes.....but hey, at least I got my magazine.

Flea Market Style is everything I want my home and my own style to be. It's unique, beautiful, tells a story all its own, and can typically be pretty low budget. I have already been poring over the pages, being inspired and amazed what others have done. Since I am so new to decorating my own home and figuring out what I like and enjoy, it's been a lot of fun to see many different possibilities and to be encouraged as to how easy it is to do in my own home.

So in honor of my fun find, and because I hope that sales for this magazine will be wonderful, prompting the editors to create more- I have bought at least one extra magazine, to be given away to one lucky person. So, while there maybe no actual chicken dinner, you can still be a winner of the magazine, and maybe some other fun little things that will also fit in the package.

So to enter for this awesome giveaway, simply
1) Leave a comment, telling me who you are, where you're from, AND what your own design style is at home.
2) Become a follower
3) Leave a 2nd comment, telling me that you linked to this giveaway on your own blog.

That's it! The winner will be announced next Sunday, March 6th. So stay tuned, as I may be adding some fun to stuff to the total winnings as we go along this week!

Oh and if you want to check out the Flea Market Style blog yourself, just follow this link.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Die, snow pile, die

Today was just one of those days. It sucked. There's really no need for any more explanation than that. You've all had a day like that, where people just piss you off, you screw everything up, and it's just a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Well that was today. And so I came home, marched into my garage, grabbed the shovel, slammed out the door and headed to face my stand in opponent-the massive mountain of snow that was piled on one side of our cul de sac, where it has sat since the first time they had to clean off our road. I grasped the shovel with both hands and plunged it into the pile.

I just needed to hit something. To attack it. And man it felt good.

My neighbor even came out side and told me, "Just let it melt!" I just waved the shovel and told him, "It feels good!" Awesome, so now not only does my neighbor think I'm not allergic to his cat but that I'm also crazy. Well done Miranda, well done.

But my anger melted before the entire snow pile did. And so there it sits, as a reminder of my pathetic day and my even more pathetic arm strength.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Weekend my house

This weekend we are having some friends coming to stay. I get to scrub down my house in anticipation, and play Hostess while they are here. My husband and I tend to be pretty laid back in the cleaning department, but recently I have tried to make some changes in that area. Just simple stuff like doing a little bit of cleaning every day, who knew!? It makes such a difference come the weekend. I just don't want to suffer from CHAOS-you know "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome."

But while they're here I want it to be comfortable and relaxing (and clean too) and so I was looking for some advice. What should I do special or different for these first time guests? I mean besides trying to vacuum the "Cody" out of everywhere, since she happens to be allergic to dogs. Any specials little things to put beside the bed or in their room? Chocolates, Swan Towel on the bed, or whatever. And let's be real too, I don't do any needlepoint and probably won't be buying a mini fridge.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello Internet- I am still here

So what do you do when you haven't posted on your blog for practically 4 months or something (or so it would seem from the nasty messages I have received from some naughty little "followers" I have, and by "followers" I mean "friends", and by "friends" I mean people that I have to put up with every day at work) and yet you're still too tired with nothing interesting to write, but you want to go ahead and jot down some things?

Maybe write an 82 word long question??

No, you make a Quick List!

So let's see if I can come up with 7 Quick (and interesting) tidbits.

1. I gave up TV for Lent, so though it would seem I gave up blogging-that is not true. No TV and it's actually not as hard as I thought. Though I have been spending quite a bit more time down here in the office with the ol' computer.

2. I have a new favorite computer game (whoda thunk it considering the time I have put on this thing.) It's a math game. So whoever thought to put math and computer games together was thinking of me! Square Logic-more addicting than sudoku, and better too!

3. I ordered season baseball tickets for K-State. I never watched baseball growing up. Barely played it like one year, couldn't care less, thought it was boring. And I'm a big sports kind of girl. (Not big like big...well bigger than I'd like, but big like faithful, passionate, spirited kind of sports girl.) But after being required to attend every single home game while working in the Athletics Dept., let me tell ya-I love it! Love it!! So now with season tickets I have the perfect excuse to call in sick on opening day.

4. Since giving up TV, my husband has watched much less TV as well, resulting in not only a cleaner house but also Mark and I have been sitting down at the supper table together, praying before our meal, and eating and talking and actually looking at one another and checking in with how our days have gone. It's way more than what we used to do, lay on the couch and in the recliner away from each other, say how was your day?-fine, and then continue the rest of the evening only talking when the other person forgets to fast forward through the commercials.

5. Twice today I have been asked, as an interesting introspective question "Who are you? How do you define yourself?" The first time in a blog that I read daily the second time at church during the sermon. And so, maybe that's something I need to think about, to ponder if you will, Who am I? How do I define myself? Where do I feel most at home? And am I living up to who I want to be? But like I said, I'm tired and no answers can be found tonight.

6. My dog is the cutest freaking dog you've ever seen. Just accept it because it's true. He's 80 lbs of love and when he lays down, he crosses his front legs. And I talk to him in baby talk. It's horrible I know. But he'z da cutest wittle thing, yes he iz!

7. I wrecked my first car while I still had my 30 day tags on it. And I was only 14. With my 4 year old sister in the car with me. We were doing "farm work" and at that time it was legal-though you may have to decide if getting your hair cut is really considered "farm work."

Look I made it through 7 quick things, and as you would guess-nothing is ever truly quick with me. So this thing is about forever long, so congrats to you if you're still reading it!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Music Tuesday-Groundhog Day Edition

Today's Tuesday, right? I mean I at least think it is, and I wish I could say-oh it's just been one of those weeks-but it really hasn't. I'm not that busy. I'm just confused.

But anyways, listen to these guys. I know I've talked about them before-but how often do you get to personally know the lead singer for a great new, up and coming band from Kansas? I'll tell you how often--not very. But before singing for Callous Maddy, Lucas Maddy was a part of every week for me in college. My husband and Lucas had many of the same classes and also shared the same "lounge." You know, where everyone hung out, ate lunch, and slept off last night's hangover. There were many late nights at Longhorns, he swung me around the dance floor at my wedding, and I even still have the tshirt from when he and his sister ran for the Student Body President/VP spots. Which he won! So I have an awful big soft spot for these guys-plus it doesn't hurt that their music is just fun to listen to.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

You should be here!

This morning my dad, three of my sisters, and I all traveled to the most Wonderful Place in the World - Manhattan, KS. We wanted to be there for College Game Day to support the Wildcats and Coach Martin, and to set a record for the most people ever to attend College Game Day and show the rest of the world where the best fans are at. Good times, lots of great purple, and a fun way to start out the day.

Now we're back at home, where my sisters have helped me cook and clean. We're having some friends over tonight to watch the game. And as of right now, the food we are serving is as follows:
  • Meatballs
  • Cheesy Olive Bread
  • Sourdough bread bowl w/ Dill Dip
  • Pico de Gallo
  • Guacamole
  • Inside Out Oreo Cookies (little mounds of deliciousness)
  • Magic Bars (ya know-w/ the coconut and chocolate chips and butterscotch chips, etc.)
  • Sausage Wonton cups

Basically a conglomeration of some of the best food ever.

Oh, and beer too.

Go State! EMAW!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kansas Day

Tomorrow is Kansas Day. I think in honor of this momentous day, I shall wear a sunflower in my hair, a picture of a meadowlark on my shirt, sit under a cottonwood for lunch, sing "Home on the Range", and of course-the best part of Kansas Day as I remember from my childhood-eat Kansas Dirt Cake with the little gummy worm.

See Mom, you can't say I didn't learn anything from school.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Look Good

I think that I have finally mastered the confidence, the attitude, and the sexiness of a woman in a skirt, some sweet tights, and beautiful shoes. Thank you Mary Kay-not only do I get the awesome skin care and makeup-but I look hot in my red top and zebra patterned skirt.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have an issue with these actors and actresses that play two different characters on two different TV shows at the same time. You got that Carla Gallo? You can't be Sweets's girlfriend on Bones, and then show up as a calmer, wiser woman on some TV show my husband's been watching. That's not ok. And Kelly Stables, you can't be both the bubbly blonde receptionist/girlfriend for Alan on Two and a Half Men, and then play a brunette elf on a made for TV movie that's part of ABC's 25 Days of Christmas. It's confusing and I just don't approve of it.

And maybe my husband has a point that I just watch too much TV-but that can't really be it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I hate making up titles

Today my husband got a phone call from a "recruiter" asking if he would be interested in a position with an elevator in Kentucky. Not exactly a job offer, but just one of those things. He jokingly asked me if I would want to move. But the thing is, my heart jumped and I wished that we could just pick up and go. Just leave and live there and experience that. But see there's the whole we own a farm and a house and this is the place that we were meant to settle down at, kinda thing. This area, this location, this lifestyle, it's what we always wanted. But still, for an instance, I wished we could just go.

When we got married, we moved to Oklahoma. We were excited to get away from home for awhile, just be the two of us-figuring out this whole grownup life, marriage thing together-away from the everyday proximity of family and old friends. Not that we ever would forget them, but we just wanted to try something different. And so we ended up in Oklahoma, with promises from his then-company that we would be relocated after 6-12 months, and then again in 12-18months. But instead, we spent every weekend back here in Kansas, and moved back "home" on our 6 month wedding anniversary.

.......So much for the interesting traveling newlyweds that only made it home for the holidays before having to rush off again to a new place, to see and live those things that the newlyweds would never again see or live. That newlywed couple never had a chance.

And I wonder, I wonder what things would have been like. If Mark and I had made different decisions, where would we be? Would we be happy, would we be happier?

With the recent TV show, Buried Life, where 4 guys make their "Bucket List" or whatever you call it, where you write down exactly what you want to do before you die-it's had me considering those questions of importance and life and living. And I thought about it, if I knew that I only had two weeks to live-what would I do? I wouldn't fly to Paris, I wouldn't jump out of an airplane-but instead I would surround myself with my loved ones-my husband, my siblings, my family and great friends. I would love on them, and let them know exactly what I hoped for each of them. We would talk and laugh and remember and create new memories. And the beautiful thing is that's what we're doing now, just without the constant reminder that life can be short. So maybe I should worry more about the moments I am in, as opposed to where I could have been.

And don't worry I still want to fly to Paris and get a tattoo and live my life, but it will still always center around those I love. And that's how I know that we made the best decision for us.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We lost a bedroom

This weekend Mark and I had my younger brother and sister over. They were excited to hang out with us for the weekend, and we were excited for the free labor. So we put them to work. We decided it was time to attack the basement. Our house is a split level and so there's "4 levels." When you walk in our front door, you walk into the living room (which has already been remade into a beautiful room-if I do say so myself) and from that living room you can walk down into what would probably be considered the "family room."

It was decent sized, probably about 12 by 20. So not bad, but when you consider that we want a bar, and a sectional and a big screen and a hotdog cooker, there's not a lot of room. And of course it had paneling, because what family room is complete without paneling.

There was also a bedroom, the "Coca Cola" room, with wallpaper and border and cement floors, and paneling on two of the walls. This was one of the 5 bedrooms. But these are all the "BEFORE" pictures! Because.....

We tore down the paneling (just for full disclosure-this was actually done probably about 5 months ago.)
We tore out the ceiling in the bedroom (again like 5 months ago).
And then this weekend the real fun was had. This is everyone punching, kicking, and karate chopping through the walls.

Oh yes, good times were had by all.

This is why they come to hang out with us, we do typically put them to work......but it usually involves demolition. And what almost 10-year old and 14-year old don't like destruction!

The holes are getting bigger!

I love it!

We opened up the window and just passed all the dryboard chunks out. It was like a relay, I felt like I was on Holmes on Homes.

And finally-Victory! Our home is no longer a 5 bedroom, but instead a 4br with a (soon to be gorgeous) family room.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just in case you didn't think I was strange enough

Do you remember those grade school days when after recess, everyone lined up at the water fountain and if you took too long, you'd get in trouble? You could only drink from the fountain for five seconds, and everyone behind you would loudly count together, One....Two...Threeeeee...FOURRRRR....FI- and finally the water retaining offender would step away, allowing the next individual to go through the whole process again. Well, can I tell you a secret? Another one, after that long list of quirks (I prefer to call them quirks, makes them more adorable-less obnoxious.) But..... I still count to myself in my head when I'm drinking out of a water fountain. Not that I do that very often, the water fountain doesn't present itself as an opportunity much anymore.

And on a sidenote-I wore flip flops yesterday. That's right Kansas Winter! You're going down! Your threat of many more inches of snow and ice that will only pile upon the slushy, dirty, grungy inches of snow and ice still here does NOT scare me!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Road Warriors

Today I will be traveling down the road, headed on our way out of town, out of the state, out of this snow!


We'll have to see.

But I do know one thing, as we're traveling down the road, with our bags, and books to read in the airport, and blankets to keep us warm, and the rest of the junk that I think needs to go along with-I won't be worried. Because my husband is my champion, my bad weather-late night-long drive- truck driving champion.

As we traveled from one Christmas to another this past holiday season, I knew that we would get there safe and sound and warm, because I trust my husband and his driving abilities. That was definitely a huge positive on the list of reasons why to marry my farmer husband.

And because we won't be back until after his birthday, and I probably won't be doing any updates until then-I just want to say, Thanks honey. I love you. You are a wonderful man, and my favorite guy to have around. Happy 25th!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is for you Brandi

Ten Things You Didn't Know that You Wanted To Know About Miranda:
(Or maybe 10, we'll see how ambitious I get.)

1. When I was in grade school, I competed in math competitions. I believe I even owned a shirt that said Math-A-Thon. And, though I can distinctly remembering my math teacher joking about the fact that some people were probably only in the competition for all the amazing junk food our parents made for the intense studying sessions after school (meaning me) I took home 2 Golds, and 1 Silver during my 6th grade year-and yes there were only 3 different contests, and no I didn't really get medals.

2. I have a very obsessive nature-but only about dumb things. If I start reading a book, or playing a computer game, or watching a new TV show, it's about all that I want to do or think about. Not healthy, not healthy at all.

3. Staying with my weird numbers theme, I have a weird thing for numbers. I always try to make numbers that I see add up to each other, or arrange them in a sequence or something. For instance, I just turned over 189981 miles in my car. And it made me happy. I like combination locks that have an interesting pattern, something like 38, 85, 53. But if I look at the clock and it's 4:17-it does nothing for me.

4. My favorite number is 21, I don't want to explain all the reasons why, because I've probably already scared you enough.

5. I am headed to Florida with my inlaws, and I think that perhaps it has not yet set in, because I cannot get excited about packing. And normally I'm all about packing, with lists upon lists, and doublechecking and going over it again my head and counting the days and what outfits I have. And so far, not so much.

6. I have probably painted my toenails less than 5 times myself in my entire life, and even less than that for my fingers-I just suck at it, and so I refuse.

7. At family gatherings I don't worry about bringing food, I bring the wine. And yes, I bring the cheap stuff to set out first, and the good stuff for me to hide (I hide it in my own wineglass.) But my family doesn't care, boxed wine is still wine!

8. Most days, I feel as if I am wasting my intelligence, my degree, and my experience with my current job-but I don't know what to do about it.

9. In my head, I am still skinnier than I am in real life-that also means that in my head I have much smaller boobs. But now, after this whole getting married and gaining 30 pounds thing, it has worked out for the better for my husband (wink wink nudge nudge, if you get what I'm saying.) And so I'm a little obsessed with my boobs now. If I was a dude, I would definitely be a boob guy. I'm just sayin'.

10. I love to go grocery shopping, and I really love to go grocery shopping with my husband. I know, its kind of stick a finger down your throat disgusting, but we have fun conversations and silly jokes and just time together. Plus I can combine my love of food with my love of math and figure out exactly which brand or item costs the least per ounce. It doesn't get any better than that.